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Displaying 05 Source Code(s)  

1 A PROG. To Find out the machine is Little or Big endian
Description : Try to know first concept of how data store in little & big endian machine register.Then take the concept of pointer,& try to understand this code.
2 program to implement who command
Description : program to implementing who command using system calls
3 Output of one program is input of another program Using Pipes
Description : Output of one program is input of another program Using Pipes
4 Client Server Program using FIFO
Description : implement a single Client Server Program using FIFO
5 vowels counting using vfork
Description : C Program to find the vowels in the given string using vfork
6 implementation of LN command using system calls
Description : this program implement the ln command in unix using system calls.
7 implementing who am i using system calls
Description : This program is used to implement the who am i program using system calls(utmp struture)
8 Implementing cat command using system calls.
Description : this program will implement the cat command using systam calls
9 String manipulation using message Queue
Description : This program is used to perform the string manipulation using message Queue.contains 4 programs.one program is used as the header.one program for used to send the data int the messga queue and other
10 String manipulation using shared memory
Description : string manipulation using shared memory.... "A Process say p1 has to create the shared memory to store a line of text.Another Process say p2 has to perform the substring operation and it is displaye
11 A Program to utilize message queue for implementing the merge sort(Socket Programming)
Description : This program utilises the message queue in order to implement the merge sort program. The client sends the numbers in a batch and the server receives it. The server sorts the numbers of the batch and
12 Display menu until press 0 by using child process.
Description : Display menu until press 0 by using child process
13 Creating menu driven environment in C in Unix.
Description : ItS purpose is to provide a menu driven environment in c & c++ environment in unix platform. To compile: cc filename.c-ncurser
14 Program for counting number of Parity Bits in an integer.
Description : Program for counting number of Parity Bits in an integer.
15 Finding Maximum number of Concurrent processes .
16 Program with a function display(int) to print the integers.
17 Write a program to print stuff to a file reading the number of time for an other file.
18 Write a function called display(char *) that displays a message
19 Program to display all the errors in a list
20 Program to get the GroupID ( GID ) information.
21 Program that shows how fork system call works.
22 Program to print its Process ID, Parent Process ID and Group ID
23 Program that demonstrates Pipe Function Calls
24 Program to work on Child Processes.
25 A message queue program that shows a client server implementation this is the reciever program using
26 A message queue program that shows a client server implementation this is the sender program using M
27 Program to work on Semapores.
28 Program to catch Ctrl+C.
29 cryptography in c on linux
Description : This program takes a text file from guest file and encrypts it.to retain the original text redo the same code.you can make the algorithm more abstruse.try it.for example as key ,which here is taken as
30 A PROG. To Find out the machine is Little or Big endian
Description : Try to know first concept of how data store in little & big endian machine register.Then take the concept of pointer,&try to understand this code.
31 Clear the Screen and Move cursor to (0,0)
Description : This code clears the UNIX prompt and move cursor to (0,0) alike `clear` on UNIX or `cls' on DOS.You can custamize cursor position by changing values 0;0 .
32 Program to find the palindrome of a number.
Description : This is a program to find the reverse fo a number i.e, if we give the input as 123 the user is expected the output as 321.
33 A PROG. To Find out the machine is Little or Big endian
Description : Try to know first concept of how data store in little & big endian machine register.Then take the concept of pointer,& try to understand this code.
34 complete single linked list program
Description : Single linked list inplementation using different functions 1.INSERT A NUMBER AT THE BEGINNING; 2.INSERT A NUMBER AT LAST 3.INSERT A NUMBER AT A PARTICULAR LOCATION IN LIST 4.PRINT THE ELE
Description : It is about the train details like adding a new train , its name,no. ect and reserving tickets ect,edit train details ect.
36 Combination of Numbers
Description : This program will print all the combination of numbers as you enter. Just try it and let me know if there is any updation
37 To Convert an no. entered by the user (digits can be
Description : This Program takes the no. entered by the user as an string String is converted into a series of int type arrays.The main Objective is to tackle digits greater than 12.Special attention has been given
38 Small program for swaping & average calculation
Description : A small program to read the i/pom the terminal and swap their values, Also useful to find the sum & average
Description : Not Specified



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