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Index Server Access via ADO


Description : The script below demonstrates how Index Server can be accessed via ADO to do simple searches.

</head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<Form action = "iskeywordRespond.asp" method="get">
Choose The Word You Want To Search For::<p>
Search Word: <Input NAME="Keyword" size ="30">

<Input Type="submit" value="Find The Documents!">

The iskeywordrespond.asp looks like this:

Set objQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.query")
Set objUtil = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.util")

' keyword search
myquery=myquery & "$CONTENTS " & my_keyword

' Exclude specific folders
<!--#include virtual="/search/exclude.asp"-->

' Exclude specific filenames
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename indexmaster.asp"
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename index.asp"
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename indexold.asp"

' Exclude specific extensions
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename *.|(txt|,inc|,htm|,mdb|,cnt|,class|,toc|,html|,css|)"

'myquery="$CONTENTS dsn"

objQuery.Columns = "Vpath, DocTitle, Filename, Characterization, Contents,DocKeyWords, Rank"
'objquery.Columns = "DocTitle, vpath, filename, size, write, characterization, rank"
objQuery.SortBy = "Rank [d]"
objQuery.MaxRecords = 50
'objUtil.AddScopeToQuery objQuery, "/", "deep"
objquery.LocaleID = objutil.ISOToLocaleID("EN-US")

linebr="<BR> & vbCrLf
Set rstemp = objQuery.CreateRecordSet("nonsequential")
Do UNTIL rstemp.eof
For Each key In rstemp.fields
Select Case keyname
Case "vpath"
Response.Write "<a href='"
Response.Write key
Response.Write "'>" & key & "</a>" & linebr
Case Else
Response.Write "<b>" & keyname & ":</b>" & linebr
Response.Write key & linebr
End Select
Response.Write "
' clean up
Set rstemp=Nothing
Set objQuery = Nothing
Set objUtil = Nothing

It has To exclude many folders On my site And the following file excludes directories:


myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = **_* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *_contents* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *_raw* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *ads* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *aspace* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *advicedraft* "
'myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *asplists* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *aspmagazine
ew* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *aspfuture* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *asptraining* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *aspynews* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *activeserverpages* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *contribute* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *cst* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *charlescarrolldraft* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *charlesteam* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *dcline* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *drafts* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *experiments* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *genericdb* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *future* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *home* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *how* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *images* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *library* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *learncover* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *learnsecurityrisk* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *
aoko* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *private* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *perlscript* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *
eference* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *
edesign* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *search* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *searchasplists* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *secret* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *sites* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *search* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *speedsitelaws* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *start* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = * rash* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = * est* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *upload* "
myquery=myquery & " and not #Vpath = *upload ests* "

myquery=myquery & " and not #filename indexmaster.asp"
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename index.asp"
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename indexold.asp"
myquery=myquery & " and not #filename *.|(txt|,inc|,htm|,mdb|,cnt|,class|,toc|,html|,css|)"




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