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Placement Papers>>Bently


Bently –Nevada India pvt. Ltd. Held on 3rd july 2004 

1.                  Given matrix A and I(identity matrix). Find matrix B where AB=I.

2.                  y=log(sinx), find dy/dx.

3.                  B is 8 Km  East to  A, C is 6 Km north to B, D is 16 Km east to C and E is 12 Km north of D, Find distance between A and E.

4.                  A train is moving with the velocity of x Km per hr. it crosses a station of length y Km in

5.                  z meter per second. Find the length of the train.( here x, y and z are given)

6.                  The ratio of length of a rod and its shadow is 1/sqrt(3). Find the angle of elevation.

7.                  Find LCM 120 and 60.

8.                  4(144)8, 3(x)7 find x.

9.                  For the given fig ,find the angle x. All angles are in degree.

10.              limit x-> [(x+6)/(x-1)][(x+6)/(x-1)]

  >>>> There are 20 such questions. Questions are very easy.

 Section-2 consists of some questions from microprocessor, digital electronics, one question on turing machine(the question was very long) and some questions on C(some what tricky-but solvable if  enough time is left)

 Some questions which I remember are-

1.                  Find sqrt of 113 upto 3 decimal places.

2.                  20 bit address bus can address how much memory

3.                  find 2’s complement of 111001001

4.                  Conver 100011 in decimal

5.                  (120)10  to (x)7

6.                  To represent A to Z and 0 to 9 how many bits are required. Assuming all the characters requires equal bits.

7.                  210 =……Kilo byte

8.                  A op B = XXXX00XXXXXX0XXX

Find B and op, where op is a logical operator and X=don’t care

9.                  To add 16 bits numbers how many full adders and half adders are required.

10.              A full adder has how many input lines.

11.              Find Y

  1. #define count(x) sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])

what count(x) does?

  1. X=24, Y=16





Find value of X and Y( the exact question may be some what different)

14.              #define inum 53268


inum=inum &(inum-1);





15.              Write a program which will accept only ‘0’ to ‘9’, ‘+’, ‘-’, ‘#’ characters as inputs.

16.              In a circuit of gates all gates are controlled by a single ……………

17.              How many inputs are there in a NOT gate



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